利用 Co-γ辐照羽化前 12~24 h 的烟青虫 Helicoverpa assulta(Guenee)蛹,研究了羽化后成虫 60的飞行能力和生殖能力。结果表明,和非辐照烟青虫相比,在辐照剂量 150~300 Gy 范围内烟青虫成虫的平均飞行距离和平均飞行速度无明显的降低趋势。不同剂量(150~300 Gy)辐照处理的烟青虫成虫寿命差异不显著。烟青虫雌虫经过辐照处理后,每雌产卵量显著低于未辐照雌虫。辐照处理雌虫与正常雄虫杂交后代,受精卵的孵化率明显下降,辐照剂量达到 300 Gy 时,受精卵的孵化率降为 1.23%。由于雌虫的辐射敏感性显著高于雄虫,可采用同时释放辐照处理雌虫和雄虫的方法控制烟青虫的自然种群数量。
Flight capacity and reproduction potential of Helicoverpa assulta after radiated with Co-γ in pupal stage 12-24 60 hours before emergence, were investigated in the laboratory. The results showed that there were no significant negative impact on the average flight distance and speed of the adults under 150-300Gy, and there were no significant differences in the adult longevity between the moths treated and its control. In comparison with the control moths, the fecundity of treated females decreased drastically. Egg hatching rate of F1 hybridization derived from the radiated females and normal males dropped quickly and down to 1.23% when sterilizing dose was up to 300Gy. The fact that female adult was much more sensitive to radiation than the male did, suggested that the method of releasing both the treated male and female at the same time may be used to control the field population of the pest.
Scientia Agricultura Sinica
国家烟草专卖局资助项目 (732)