目的 探讨术前口服米索前列醇与宫腔注射利多卡因在人工流产术中的镇痛效果。方法 实验组与对照组各15 0例,两组年龄、孕周、孕次经统计学检验有可比性(P >0 .0 5 )。实验组在人工流产术前3h口服米索前列醇6 0 0 μg ,于术前5min用特制的宫腔注药导管宫腔内注入利多卡因5ml;对照组15 0例不用任何药物,常规行人工流产。结果 两组扩张宫颈时疼痛及吸宫时疼痛程度相比差异非常显著(P <0 .0 1)。实验组术中宫颈明显扩张(P <0 .0 1) ;平均手术时间缩短(P <0 .0 1) ;人工流产综合征发生率明显降低(P <0 .0 1) ;不增加术中出血量(P >0 .0 5 )。结论 口服米索前列醇伍宫腔注射利多卡因能明显减轻人工流产术中的痛苦,且药物不良反应轻微。
Objective To investigate analgesia effect of misoprostol took orally and lidocaine injected to uterine cavity before operation in artificial abortion. Methods Tested group (n=150)and control group (n=150) were performed, there were statistical comoparision (P>0.05) in ages, gestational weeks, gravidity times between the two groups.The tested group took misoprostol 600 μg orally 3h before operation and were injected lidocaine 5 ml to uterine cavity with a specially made canal 5 min before operation. The control group didn't take medicine before normal artificial abortion. Results There were significantly statistical difference (P<0.01) in pain of expending cervix and absorbing uterine.It was showed that study group had a good cervical expending (P<0.01),short mean operation time (P<0.01),low occurring rate of artificial abortion syndrome (P<0.01),and same bleeding volume (P<0.05) compared with the control group. Conclusion Taking misoprosal orally and injecting lidocaine to uterine cavity can relieve the pain of artificial abortion and drug adverse reaction is little.
Journal of Bethune Military Medical College