根据电气化铁道牵引变电所亭二次设备微机化检测的需要 ,通过总结多年的实践经验 ,提出了一种模块化序列试验方法 ,成功地解决了因试验项目太多而可能导致软件结构冗长的问题 ,并进一步探讨了智能检测软件系统的总体设计方案 ,详细介绍了软件核心模块的设计方法 ,给出了具体的软件流程。实践表明 ,采用该方案设计的检测系统具有很好的开放性 ,可以方便地实现用户各种试验需求。
As there are too many secondary devices and units in the electric railway substations, the program of computer based testing system for the devices is usually long and redundant This paper puts forward a new testing method called modular sequence testing method which can greatly decrease the program length and redundancy Based on the method the intelligent testing software system suitable for various traction substations is discussed and the core modules are given The implementation has shown that the testing system is open and practicable
Electrotechnical Application