目的 研究星状神经节阻滞 (SGB)后福尔马林诱导的家兔伤害行为反应和间脑c -fos表达。方法 在家兔星状神经节附近置入导管 ,一周后 ,选择恢复健康者 2 4只随机分为三组 :假手术组 (A组 )、SGB组 (B组 )和对照组 (C组 ) ,每组 8只。B和C组在右前肢足底皮下注射 3 %福尔马林 0 5ml致痛 ,A组同样部位注射等量生理盐水。致痛前 10min ,B组经导管给 0 2 5 %布比卡因0 5ml ,A和C组给等量生理盐水。致痛 2h ,灌注固定 ,取左右侧间脑。采用加权法对伤害行为反应评分 ,免疫组化法测间脑c -fos表达。结果 SGB后福尔马林诱导的Ⅱ期伤害行为反应明显缓解 ;B组下丘脑c -fos表达明显少于C组 (P <0 0 1) ,而B组与C组丘脑c -fos表达无显著性差异 (P >0 0 5 )。结论 SGB可减轻福尔马林诱导的Ⅱ期伤害行为反应 ,降低下丘脑c -fos表达 ,这可能与其治疗炎症痛的机制有关。
Objective To investigate formalin-induced nociceptive behavior and c-fos expression of interbrain following stellate ganglionic block (SGB) in rabbits. Methods Catheters were inserted closely to right stellate ganglia in rabbits by operation.One week later,twenty-four rabbits were randomly divided into three groups, each group containing 8 animals. groups A,B and C received 0.5ml of normal saline,3% formalin and 3% formalin stimulation by intraplantar injection , respectively. 10 minutes before stimulation,0.5 ml of 0.25% bupivacaine was administered via the catheter in group B, while in groups A and C 0.5 ml of normal saline was applied. Nociceptive behavior was observed for 1 hour using weighted pain score. 2 hours after stimulation, whole interbrain was removed to immunohistochemically detect the expression of c-fos. Results Formalin-induced nociceptive behavior in phase 2 was relieved following SGB, c-fos expression level of hypothalamus in group B was significantly lower than that in group C(P<0.01), while that of thalamus was not significantly different between groups B and C(P>0.05). Conclusion SGB could relieve formalin-induced nociceptive behavior, and downregulate formalin-induced c-fos expression of hypothalamus, which may be related to the mechanisms of SGB for the treatment of inflammatory pain.
Journal of Chinese Physician
湖北省科技攻关计划重点项目资助 (2 0 0 3AA30 1C1 1 6)