
废用对松质骨结构的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Disuse on Trabecular Bone Structure
摘要 正常骨结构形态的变化总是与力学环境相适应的 ,废用状态可引起松质骨结构的较大改变。本研究将有限元分析与带有调整目标的骨再造方程相结合 ,模拟废用对松质骨结构的影响。数值模拟表明 ,当某方向载荷变小时 ,此方向的骨小梁变细 ,结构质量下降 ;当某方向载荷急剧变小 (严重废用 ,如长期卧床 )时 ,此方向很多骨小梁消失 ,废用破坏了松质骨结构的完整性 ;当从废用状态恢复到正常活动时 ,消失的骨小梁不能恢复。这种废用状态引起的结构完整性变化是不可逆的。废用引起的松质骨孔隙变大 ,可能是老年人骨质疏松发生的原因之一。 Healthy bone structure always changes to adapt to its mechanical environment. Disuse can cause a remarkable change of trabecular bone structure. The effects of disuse on trabecular bone structure was simulated, using the bone (re)modeling model with goals of physiological regulation, based on finite element analysis. The results showed that after the load in some direction became small, the trabecular alone the direction got thin, and structural mass decreased. After the load in one direction rapidly became small, such as staying long in bed, some trabecular alone the directions disappeared, which damaged the integrality of trabecular bone structure. After the original loads came back, the trabecular architecture simulated didn′t recover and was not so same as the original architecture. The effects of disuse to trabecular bone structure are irreversible. The bigger holes in trabecular bone structure can be caused by disuse, which may be one of causes of osteoporosis in ages.
出处 《生物医学工程研究》 2004年第3期129-132,148,共5页 Journal Of Biomedical Engineering Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (10 172 0 93) 中国博士后基金资助项目 (2 0 0 30 34177)
关键词 松质骨结构 废用状态 有限元 数值模拟 松质骨孔隙 Trabecular bone structure Disuse Finite element Simulation
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