AIM:To evaluate the effects of 75 g/L hypertonic saline on mean arterial blood pressure(MBP),intracranial pressure(ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure(CPP) of rabbits with cerebral infarction for comparison with mannitol therapy.METHODS:The experiment was performed in the Department of Neurology,People's Hospital of Wuhan University.Twenty rabbits were randomly divided into two groups after making model of middle cerebral artery infarction.The rabbits were injected with 75 g/L hypertonic saline or mannitol 6 hours after infarction. ICP,MBP,and CPP were monitored for 10 hours.Blood osmolarity and sodium ionic concentration were also measured before infusion and 15, 30 and 60 minutes after infusion. RESULTS:The MBP in the two groups reached to the peak at 15 minutes after infusion, and then decreased to the baseline quickly,and there was no significant difference between the two groups(P >0.05).The ICP decreased significantly to the baseline(decreased by 7.9 mm Hg,1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa) at 30 minutes after infusion in 75 g/L hypertonic saline group,and decreased 5.1 mm Hg in mannitol group.Thereafter,ICP began to return.In 7.5% hypertonic saline group,CPP increased significantly than that before treatment from 5 to 180 minutes(P< 0.05). In mannitol group,CPP were higher than that before treatment from 5 to 120 minutes and lower after 480 minutes(P< 0.05). CONCLUSION:Infusion of 75 g/L hypertonic saline can decrease the ICP and increased the CPP in rabbits with middle cerebral artery occlusion.As compared with the mannitol,the time in decreasing the CPP will last longer in hypertonic saline.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation