
复杂曲面局部协调设计技术 被引量:5

Local Consistent Mending Technique for Complex Surfaces
摘要 综合利用CAGD中的曲线曲面理论和方法 ,通过构造合理的局部区域来裁剪N边汇交曲面 ,并利用汇交曲面的原始信息解决局部NURBS曲面的协调设计 该方法在新生成曲面与裁剪汇交曲面之间保证处处G1连续 ,同时光滑地逼近于局部区域的特征走向 这种基于特征敏感的带复杂边界条件约束的协调曲面重构方法 ,作为曲面高级编辑工具已应用于计算机辅助反求工程CAD软件RE SOFTV6. 0中 实际应用表明 。 A new local consistent fitting method is presented for dealing with the confluence region, where multiple surfaces meet, to reach global smoothness and keep local feature of normal vector trends. Based on the basic theories of curve and surface in CAGD such as geometric continuity, intersection, bridge, discretization and fitting etc., a reasonable local region definition and feature sensitive surface fitting technique subject to complex boundary constraints are discussed in detail. The final consistent surface, which keeps the fitting precision and reflects the feature trend of the original surfaces, satisfies G1 continuity over the whole surface model. The surface-editing tool based on the local consistent technique is applied in a professional reverse engineering CAD software RE-SOFT V6.0. An example and suggestions for future work are concluded.
出处 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期418-424,共7页 Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
基金 国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划 (5 11942 0 18) 教育部优秀骨干教师基金 (2 0 0 0 0 3 3 5 14 ) 教育部博士点基金 (980 3 3 5 3 2 )
关键词 自由曲面 局部协调逼近 特征 反求工程 freeform surface local consistent fitting feature reverse engineering
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