大型火力发电厂的热力过程非常庞大而复杂。为使机组能够安全、经济运行 ,降低运行人员的劳动强度 ,越来越多先进的自动化控制技术得到了应用 ,程序控制就是其中的一种。在火力发电厂中程序控制得到了广泛的应用 ,大大减轻了劳动者的劳动强度 ,并有效地防止了误操作的发生。青岛发电厂凝汽器采用海水冷却 ,二次滤网起着很关键的作用。将其控制由手动改为由小型PLC控制的自动控制 ,也就具有重大的意义。
The thermal process of a large capacity thermal power plant was very huge and complicated. More and more advanced automation control technology was widespread utilized to ensure the safe and economical operation of the turb-unit, and to decrease the physical labour. Program control was one of the advanced technology, and was widespread utilized in thermal power plants, The utilization decreased the physical labour and prevented the misoperating. Qingdao Power Plant used sea water to cool condensor, the secondary filter net was very important. Thus, It was magnificent to change man control to auto control by micro PLC.
Journal of Shandong Electric Power College