1 前言 随着大型石油、化工装备国产化工作的进展,我国自行设计制造的大直径(φ>240mm)、大壁厚(δ>70mm)压力容器越来越多。由于条件的限制,一些球型、椭圆型封头往往不能整体压制成形,需采取分瓣冲压拼焊的方法。对于这类封头的瓣片拼焊,从生产效率、节能、焊接质量及辅助焊接工装的配置等方面综合考虑,电渣焊当为首选工艺。例如熔嘴。
In the paper a maths moded for solution of eledtro-slag welding with wire electrode to weld a formed segments for ellipsoidal head was established after analyzing character of ellipsoidal head and process of electro-slag welding with wire electrode. A program is made for calculation the best welding position and workpiece movement distance. The possibility of the procedure welding ellipsoidal head procedure based on calculation was discussed and the fabrication was guided with the results.
Pressure Vessel Technology