计算机工程系结合多年来高等职业教育的办学经验 ,针对计算机专业学生的职业能力培养 ,在推行多证书制度、计算机专业考试制度改革等方面进行了一些研究与探索 ,总结提炼出了“讲一、练二、考三”的教学模式 ,并在教学中进行了推广和应用 ,取得了明显的教学效果。
Availing itself of the experiences in teaching and administrating in the field of higher technical and vocational education for so many years, Computer Engineering Department has made a series of research and probes into the fostering of students' vocational skills, the pushing of multi-certificate system, the reform of the examination system of computer major, and so on. A conclusion of the teaching mode of 'Teaching Once, Practicing Twice, Examining Thrice' has been drawn and been pushing and applying in teaching, as a result of which distinct teaching effect has been obtained.
Journal of Weifang Educational College