我国高校的教育创新 ,是知识经济时代发展的必然趋势。我国的高等教育与世界名牌大学相比 ,存有一定差距。当前 ,要参与国际竞争 ,要使中华民族永远立于世界民族之林 ,就要培养出高素质的复合型顶尖级人才。因此 ,我国的高等教育 ,特别是教育体制必须创新。
The universities in china must be creative, and this is determined by the development of the Knowledge economy. Compared to the renown universities in the world, our universities still need some improvement. In order to compete with the international community and make Chinese people always excellent in the whole world, we have to produce high-qualified, all-round top talents. Our higher education, especially the educational system , must be creative.
Journal of Weifang Educational College