食盐是人们日常生活的必需品。江西自古以来不产盐,是个纯销盐区。学界对盐政的 论述大多是从经济上或从变迁上对盐政进行历史叙述式的阐述,本文试图从社会控制角度,以明代赣 南为个案,通过将盐政置于赣南特殊的地方社会历史文化场景下,以期分析赣南地区国家、地方、宗 族间的相互关系。
Common salt is the necessity of people's daily life. Salt was not made in Jiangxi since ancient time and it was just a marketing place. The historical discussion for salt policy is mainly from economy and its changes. The writer tries to analyze the correlative relation among nationality, district and gens under the control of the scene of special social history from salt policy taking Northern Gan as an example.
Salt Industry History Research