潮州位于东南沿海一隅,盐业生产具有悠久的历史。明清时期,潮州盐业分布广,生 产规模大,成为广东的两大运盐中心之一,负责所有盐的配发,运销范围也进一步扩大。除满足本地 需要外,赣南、闽西食盐皆仰其供给,形成了闽粤赣边区经济区域。
Chaozhou is situated at north-east coast place and it owns superiority of utilizing sea resource. The place has long history of salt production. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, salt production in the area was developed and its distribution was very wide. It became one of two large salt marketing centers in Guangdong. Plan and wholesale of salt were carried on in this place. The economical region of Min, Yue and Gan border areas was formed.
Salt Industry History Research