A set of carbonate lamination and sand-shale interbedding, with thickness from 30 to 60 meters, is found in the top of sand layer-1 (Es1), Zhenglizhuang area, Dongying sag. The carbonate rock is mostly composed of biogenic limestone, which can be divided into shore-lake subfacies, shallow-lake subfacies and semideep subfacies, based on water depth and hydrodynamic condition, where shallowlake subfacies could be further divided into biogenic shoal microfacies and bank-inset microfacies. Such a biogenic shoal microfacies is characterized by extensive distribution, smooth top and thin sedimentary thickness. The biogenic limestone originated from shallow lacustrine sediment has preferable porosity and permeability as well as connectivity, being as a good reservoir. The sediment shapes in stage of minute depressing and extension of the lake basin, for which the tectonic movement is relatively calm, but existed intermittent basement subsidence leads to episodic changes in water depth, resulting in deposits of carbonate and sand-shale interbedding.
Xinjiang Petroleum Geology