桥梁单片梁受力主要是由重交通车辆的碾压 ,尤其是超限重车的频繁通过引起的———这是外因 ,当然桥梁本身的质量差或桥面铺装层与脚缝的填充不符合要求也能产生单片梁受力———这是内因。如果严格按设计要求去做 ,这种情况是能避免发生的。单片梁受力严重的会危及行车安全 。
The single beam bearing force of bridge is chiefly aroused by rolling of heavy traffic vehicles,particularly by repeatedly passings through of overweight vehicle—that's external cause,in addition,the bridge itself's quality is poor or filling of deck pavement course and bridge footing doesn't accord with demands,which will also lead to the single beam bearing force—that's internal cause.Those conditions are able to be avoided if work goes strictly in accordance with design requirements.Grave bearing force by single beam can harm driving safety,so attention should be paid to it.
Liaoning Communication Science and Technology