
六种游蛇属蛇尾长的两性异形和种间差异 被引量:2

Sexual dimorphism and interspecific differentiation of tail length in six snakes of racer (Natrix)
摘要 测定六种分布于浙江的游蛇属蛇类的体长和尾长,检测尾长的两性异形和种间差异.六种游蛇属蛇的两性个体尾长均与体长呈显著的正相关,六种游蛇属蛇间体长差异显著.协方差分析显示渔游蛇、草游蛇、虎斑游蛇的雄性的尾长显著大于雌性,水赤链游蛇、锈链游蛇、乌游蛇的尾长无显著的两性差异.种间相对尾长的差异显著. We tested the sexual dimorphism and interspecific differentiation of tail length by measuring the snout-vent length and tail length in six snakes of racer (Natrix) which distributed in Zhejiang Province. The tail length of both sexes was positively correlated with the snout-vent length in six snakes of racer (Natrix) apparently. The interspecific differentiations of the snout-vent length between six snakes of racer are significant. The ANCOVA showed that the tail length of females in N. piscator, N. stolata, N. tigrina lateralis was significantly shorter than males', and the other was not. The interspecific differentiations of relative tail length of six snakes of racer were significant.
出处 《河南科学》 2005年第2期211-213,共3页 Henan Science
基金 丽水学院重点教改项目资助(2002 05)
关键词 游蛇属 尾长 两性异形 自然选择 性选择 Natrix tail length sexual dimorphism natural selection sexual selection
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