敏捷是一种良好的思维品质。有了敏捷的思维 ,才能全面深刻地认识客观事物 ,应付各种复杂局面 ,提高学习和工作的效率。青年学生必须勤学、好思 ,大量积累思维素材 ,注重训练思维能力 ,善于运用思维工具 (语言 ) 。
Promptness is a good quality of mi nd. With the quality, students can perceive the world, cope with complicated sit uatins and improve their study and work efficiency. Students should work hard, t hink a lot, accumulate thinking materials, place emphasis on thinking ability tr aining and make good use of thinking tools (languages) so as to acquire prompt m ind.
Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College