谢灵运是六朝时代一位有着多方面才能和素养的悲剧性诗人。他在仕途受阻、进身乏路的“幽愤”之中 ,为寻找“所泄处” ,便转而走向山水自然 ,以他独到的审美情调、趋向所创造出来的山水审美诗篇 ,挣脱玄言的桎梏 ,走向诗的审美独立机制 ,成为刘宋诗美学转型期的关捩人物。谢灵运山水诗的成就 ,主要表现为审美主体深微的审美敏感 ,极貌追新 ,兼声兼色 ,出水芙蓉。然透过章句 ,兴喻存焉。杜甫所看到的谢灵运重掩的肺腑内有着深深的“幽愤” 。
XIE Ling-yun’s achievements in l andscape poetry embody his aesthetic delicacy. His vivid and emotional descripti on, with sound and all colors like a beauty just from bathing, constantly reveal s new pictures and reaches the summit of art. His poetry is profound, DU Fu, the greatest poet saw his hidden resentment which is the soul of Xie’s landscape p oetry.
Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College