爱情,是文学永恒的主题。先秦时代的《秦风·蒹葭》与《九歌·湘夫人》是汉民族文学里影响深远 的爱情诗。两诗在主题倾向与意境的勾画、渲染上颇有一致之处,但在诗歌整体的审美追求上却呈现出不同的美 学风貌,并且延伸出不同的象征意义。
Love is an ever-lasting theme in literature. Qinfeng · Jianjia and Jiuge ?Madame Xiang composed in the early Qin dynasty are love poems of profound influence in the Han literature. As to theme and image, the two poems are quite identical, but in the poems as a whole, different styles are employed in aesthetical pursuit so as to produce different symbolic meanings.
Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College