回顾性分析 1990年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 12月北京妇产医院收治的有完整资料的 87例 4 0岁以下的宫颈癌患者的诊治过程 ,探讨其延误诊断的原因。结果发现阴道出血超过 3个月才来就诊的患者 6 1例 ,占 70 %。初诊为其它疾病进行治疗的共 4 9例 ,其中宫颈糜烂 17例 ,盆腔炎症 8例 ,功能失调性子宫出血 7例 ,宫颈肿物 10例 ,各种手术后 7例。首诊行宫颈刮片检查的仅 2 2例。提示年轻病人对肿瘤的防范意识不强 ,医生对年轻患者的宫颈癌认识不足 ,在诊断和鉴别诊断中缺乏综合分析能力等原因是导致年轻宫颈癌患者延误诊断的常见原因。宫颈刮片是筛查宫颈癌简便和有效的首选方法 ,宫颈活检、宫颈锥切和 L
Objective:To analyse thc reason of delay or misdiagnosis of cervical neoplasm in the women below 40 years old Methods:A retrospective study has been proformed on 87 women who had been diagnosis of cervical cancer at the age younger than 40 from Jan, 1 990 to Dec, 2000 in Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Results:61 cases (70%) of women have sought medical treat after more than 3 months since first vaginal bleeding 49 cases of (56%) of women have theirs first visit to a doctor for other diseases, include 17 cases of cervical erosion, 8 cases of pelvic inflammatory, 7 cases of dysfunctional uterus bleeding(DUB), 10 cases of other cervix disease as polyp, and 7 cases had experienced different operations Only 22 women haveaccepted the cervical smear examination at her first visit The rate of delay or misdiagnosis is 56 3%(49/87) has been found in the study Conclusion: It has high rate of delay or misdiagnosis for those young patients below 40 years old with cervical cancer, which may be associated with doctor's experience, medical care level, and other society reasons
Maternal and Child Health Care of China
Cervical neoplasms