
76例轮状病毒性肠炎临床症状观察 被引量:2

The clinic feature of 76 patients with enteritis caused by rotavirus
摘要 目的 :分析 76例轮状病毒 (RV)性肠炎患者的临床症状。方法 :对 76例不同年龄组 RV肠炎患儿的临床症状进行回顾性分析。结果 :1同时出现呼吸系统症状并伴流涕、鼻塞、咳嗽、气促 59例 ;支气管炎 19例 ;肺炎 5例。 2出现抽搐7例。 3生化检查结果门冬氨酸氨基转移酶 (AST)明显增高 76例 ;肌酸激酶 (CK)增高 52例 ;丙氨酸氨基转移酶 (AL T)轻度增高 48例 ;乳酸脱氢酶 (L DH)增高 13例。 4X线胸片肺纹理增粗 8例 ;双肺斑片影 4例。 5心电图表现窦性心动过速 4例 ,T波改变 1例。结论 :RV感染可造成病毒血症 ,且可呈多系统播散 ,使机体各脏器组织损伤 ,致婴幼儿发病。故要对这一弱小群体实行早期预防保健 。 Objective:To observe the clinic feature of 7 6 patients with enteritis caused by rotavirus(RV) Methods: The children were grouped according to their ages with method of retrospectiv e analysis Results:①There were 59 children patients with enteritis a ccompanied by symptom of respiratory system,such as snivel,snuffle,cough,sho rt breath;and 19 ones accompanied by bronchitis;5 patients with pneumonia;②T he symptom of neural system such as twitch occurred in the 7 children;③The se rum aspartic acid aminotransferase (AST) increased in 76 cases and alanine amino transferase (ALT) in 48 cases,the creatine kinase (CK) level increased in 52 ca ses;④The chest X-ray showed that the strip in lung become rough,even the spo ts appeared in both lobes of lung in 4 cases;⑤The cardiograph indicated that t achycardia in 4 cases and T-wave changes only in one case Conclusion:The RV infection would cause the viremia result ing in the changes and damages of multiple tissues and organs Therefore the dep artment of health care of children should pay much attention to protect those w eak and young population from the infection of RV and/or the other viruses
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 2004年第2期74-75,共2页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
关键词 轮状病毒感染 各系统 婴幼儿 Rotavirus infection Multiple system Children
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