高职教育的教学计划的制定是一项复杂的工程。教育部长周济在全国高职高专教育产学研会议上的讲话也 提出高职高专教育要"以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向"。通过对比后分析,我们认为只有充分利用自身的教学 资源,加大实践课的比重,才能办出高职教育的特色来。
A teaching program- setting of college education is a complex project. In his speech on the meeting of the national college educational industry, study and research, Zhou Ji, the education minister of China, pus forwards that college education should hold by service as purpose and employment as guidance. Based on contrast and analysis, we say our saying, that making full use uor advantage of teachig resources, enlarging the proportion of proctice course, a college education with characteristics comes to the world.
Journal of Nanping Teachers College