It is generillly believed that the effectivenes of
salicylates , such as aspirin(ASP) ,is restricted to the lowering of
the body temperature(BT ) previously elevated by pyrogensand that
salicylates have no effect on normal BT,We present here evidences
which demonstrate thatASP does lower the normaI BT of mice kept in a
24℃ environment.Male ICR mice, housed under alight-dark cycle(LD 12
:12h)at a room temperature of 24±1℃ and a humidity of 60±
10%withfood and water ad libitum,received intraperitoneal injections
of ASP 25,100 and 200 mg· kg-1.Theanimals showed a significant
decline in their rectal temperature and the BT returned to the values
thatprevailed before drug administration within 4 h.There was an
orderly, progressive dose- dependentdecrease in BT,A significant
circadian rhythm was demonstrated for ASP-induced hypothermal
effectin mice. Although a significant circadian、rhythm was also
demonstrated for the plasma salicylateconcen trations at l h after
dosing ,there seems to be no positive relationship between plasma
drugconcentrations and the drug response;The results suggest that ASP
does affect normal BT regulation inmice and that the circadian rhythm
change in ASP-induced hypothermal effect may be mainly due tothe
rhythms,in the sensitivity of mice to the drug.
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica