
论外语创造性阅读教学 被引量:2

On Teaching Creative Reading in a Foreign Language
摘要 阅读理解是一个复杂的语言与思维作用的认知交际过程,表现为感知、理解、鉴赏和创造的四个阶段层次,呈多维的心理模式。创造性阅读是阅读活动过程的最高层次,从本质上说是读者对文本的批判性分析解读过程,其中包括读者对文本结构分析、艺术赏析的感受、体验、联想、想象以及审美判断等心智活动。外语创造性阅读教学以语言知识和创新能力发展为其根本任务。本文拟从现代认知心理学的角度探讨外语创造性阅读教学的理论机制和教学策略以及实践途径。 Reading comprehension is a complex cognitive process of the interaction between language and thought,in which 4 levels of perception,understanding,appreciation and creativity are involved.Creative reading is in the highest scale of reading activities,and it is,in nature, the reader's critical and analytical reading in a text,i.e.mental activities of perception,experience,association,imagination and esthetic judgment.The fundamental goal of teaching creative reading in a foreign language is orienting both language knowledge and creative ability.This paper elaborates on the theoretical ground,teaching strategies and practical approaches to teaching creative reading in a foreign language from the perspective of cognition and psychology.
作者 刘彩霞
出处 《赣南师范学院学报》 2004年第4期128-130,共3页 Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))
关键词 创造性阅读 教学策略 实践途径 creative reading teaching strategies practical approaches
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