史书对 15 83年中缅姚关之战的记述过于简略 ,使人无法看清它的全貌。云南姚关清平洞《恤忠祠记》详细记述了姚关之战的经过 ,并指出了明朝军队获胜的原因 ,具有很高的史料价值。它说明 ,明朝军队在边境地区作战 ,除了要求士兵作战勇敢、将领指挥得当之外 ,还必须有正确的策略和民族政策 。
The narration of the Yaoguan Battle of Sino-Burma in 1583 is very summary and it is difficult for us to know its panorama. Narration of Installment of Martyry, which is at Qingpingdong, Yaoguan, Yunnan Province, records the course of the battle in detail and points out the cause why the army of Ming Dynasty got victory. It is a kind of historical materials with high value. It indicates that the army of Ming Dynasty campaigning in borderland, besides the brave soldiers and the competent generals, had to have correct strategy and policy of ethnic groups in order to improve the relation with ethnic groups in the borderland.
China's Borderland History and Geography Studies