面对晚清后期中国的农业危机与日渐加深的民族危机 ,张之洞在发展和改良农业方面形成了一种新的理念 :即以农为本 ,农、工、商一体化经营 ;通过发展科学技术和兴办农务学堂来改良农业 ;并为此进行了大量实践。所有这些对中国传统经验型农业向近代科技或实验型农业的转化起到了一定的助推作用。但其农业思想与举措又受到他的“中体西用”文化观的制约。
With the crises of the production of agriculture and nation in the late Qing Dynasty, Zhang Zhidong formed the new thoughts for developing agriculture, such as the management of agriculture should be associated with industry and trade, and improved agricultural production by the means of science and technology, or setting up many schools which majored in agriculture, meanwhile, those measures had been put into practice All that had promoted the evolvement of Chinese agriculture which based on from experiential produce to technological produce But his thoughts on agriculture had been restricted with his cultural viewpoints about Chinese and western culture
Ancient and Modern Agriculture