目前的城市开发 ,各地政府只顾近期效益 ,大搞政绩工程 ,各市不断地采用“模仿”、“克隆”的方式 ,使“千城一面” ,使城市原有风格特征逐渐褪去。西部城市住宅开发决不能以牺牲生态环境为代价谋取经济的短期增长 ,而必须走“环境”与“经济”双赢的可持续发展道路。城市住宅开发必须符合地域特点 ,遵循地理的差异性 ,要有鲜明的个性特征 ;开发建设时使用环保、节能建筑材料 ,推进资源回收与开发的应用力度 ;必须尊重历史 ,保护文物、古迹 ,建设特色城市。
Original building characters gradually and increasingly faded away with the imitative and cloning by local municipal that solely accord the current benefits and recent efficiency, thus constantly caused architectural similarities .Cities in the west should by no means obtaining economic growth at the cost to sacrifice ecological environment but, in turn, to develop along with sustainable development. Only could we obey geography diversities and employs regeneration and respect historical sites and building specific cities.
20 0 3年西安财经学院科研基金资助项目成果 (0 3XCK2 7)