目的 为调整消除新生儿破伤风的监测策略与控制措施提供科学依据。 方法 实行主动监测和“零病例”报告制度,接到疑似病例报告后,48h内按全国统一的调查表进行核实诊断;对全市育龄妇女注射破伤风类毒素。 结果 实施监测策略和控制措施前新生儿破伤风的年均发病率为2 42‰,实施监测策略和控制措施后新生儿破伤风的年均发病率为0 59‰。 结论 说明高州市采取的监测策略和控制措施是有效的。
objective To provide bases for the adjustment of sur veill ance strategies and control measures in the wurk of elimination of neonatla teta nus. Methods Initial surveillance and “zero case report system we re carried out”. The suspected cases will be diagnostically confirmed 48h aft er reported using unified national questionaire and women of childbearing age in this city were injected with tetanus toxid. Results Annual incidence before and after carrying out survei llance strategies and controlling measures were 2.42‰, and 0.59‰. Conclusion Surveillance strategies and control measures are effective in Gaozhou City.
China Tropical Medicine