在中学科学教育中培养学生的科学素养 ,有助于学生从整体上认识自然和科学 ,引导学生认识科学的本质 ,正确理解科学、技术与社会的相互关系 ,全面体现科学教育的价值。目前各国都十分重视科学教育 ,提高学生的科学素养成为科学教育的核心目标。我国中学科学课作为培养中学生科学素养的主阵地应采取各种措施提高中学生的科学素养。本文从三个方面论述了科学素养教育的兴起、内涵及培养方法。
To train the student's scientific literacy in scientific education of middle school will help pupil to recognize nature and science, and guide student s to get to know the essence of science, and to comprehend the correlation of sc ience, technology and society. Science education is quite be take into account i n many country in the world. To improve student's scientific literacy becomes mo re and more important. China must do her best to improve student's science quali ty in the Science course of Junior School. In this paper, we discuss the creatin g, definition and training method.