
IC真实缺陷的骨架提取方法 被引量:1

Skeleton extraction of IC real defects using morphology
摘要 在集成电路制造中,光刻工艺(尤其是工艺引入的缺陷)直接影响生产的成品率.光刻工艺涉及的缺陷形状多种多样,提取缺陷并将之分类对于提高电路制造成品率是重要的.由于缺陷的骨架是描述缺陷形状及识别缺陷的重要特征,故提出一种集成电路真实缺陷骨架的提取方法,通过定义LS空间的特征值聚类分割集成电路彩色图像,使用小波分解分割集成电路灰度图像,然后基于数学形态学方法滤除分割图像的噪音并提取出缺陷的骨架.实验结果表明该方法使集成电路真实缺陷形状描述简单,从而为缺陷检测与分类提供了准确的依据. The lithography processes, especially the defects introduced, have a direct impact on the yield of the integrated circuit (IC). Diagnosing and classifying lithography defects, which exhibit a great variety of shapes, are very important to improve the yield. As a result, the skelecton of defects is a key feature that can be used to describe the shape of defects and to recognize the defects. In this paper, a method for extracting the skeleton of IC real defects based on mathematical morphology is presented. Defined by means of the luminance (L) and saturation (S) space, the LS space eigenvalue is used in clustering segmentation for the IC real colour defect image and the wavelet decomposing is used in segmentation for the IC real gray image. Then, the proposed method removes noisy spurs and extracts a skeleton set from noisy images. This approach is very useful in the IC extra material defects recognition. Experimental results show that the proposed method gives a simple description of IC defect shapes, which provides the foundation for detection and classification of defects accurately.
出处 《西安电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期206-209,共4页 Journal of Xidian University
基金 国家863高科技计划支持研究(2003AA1Z1630) 北京大学信息处理国家重点实验室开放课题基金资助项目(J62103010026)
关键词 集成电路缺陷表征 LS空间聚类 数学形态学滤波 骨架提取 Characterization Classification (of information) Lithography Luminescence Mathematical morphology
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