The composition and structure of 25 cases of chronic subdural hematoma(CSDH) were studied. The findings showed that the amount of fibrinogendegradation product was greatly elevated in the hematoma feuid, and there wasfresh, crenate and recessive red blood copps simultaneously. The capsule of CSDH,adhered tightly to the dura mater, was lined by inflammatory connective tissue withevidence of Bleeding in its inner side. Authors suggested that the pathogenesis ofCSDH was head injury and other causes formed primary subduralhematoma. Following the formation of hematoma, the hyp?brmolysis and thefailure of blool coagulation occured and which made oozing and bleeding from thesmall vessels and the new-forming imperfect inflammatory tissue. As this goes onrepeatedly. Continuous fresh bleeding made the hematoma bigger and biggergradually, until the clinical symptoms appeared.