在加格达奇城区给水系统改造工程中 ,关于水源技术改造项目 ,笔者首先对原有水源工作区可开采水量进行了科学的论证 ,然后对现有水源设备进行系统的分析 ,找到了虽然有水但采不出来的问题所在。通过调整水源井设备 ,并对个别水源井加以改造 ,使其在枯水期增加产水量 ,达到了挖潜的目的 ,满足了城市用水量的需求。
After scientific demonstration for the amount of water-exploitation and systemic analysis to the equipment of water-resource, the author found the causation of un-exploitation for existence water in water-resource rebuilding project of rebuilding water-supplying system construction in Jiagedaqi district. By adjusting the equipment of water-resource wells and transforming some of them, the amount of water-production were increased during the low water period so as the demand of city water can be meet.
Forestry Science and Technology Information