本文对处于国际教育技术前沿的香港远程开放大学在网络教育方面作一了解 ,探索其对远程教育带来的思考进行了探索 ,以期对国内开展更可行 ,更有效的网络课程 ,对远程教育的发展起到一定的借鉴作用。
This paper explores the thoughts brought by the Open University of Hon g Kong based on the understanding of its distance education which is the advance d base of the international education technology. It discusses modes of interne t distance education and the traditional education, the strength on the open lea rning environment, the independence learning and individual teaching in the dist ance education and the complementary cooperation between the distance open unive rsity and the common university. The discussions on these aspects will be avail able for the development of the distance education at home and the more effec tive internet courses will have beneficial effect on the development of the dist ance education.
Journal of Zhejiang Institute of Communications