目的 解决几种片剂产品研制和生产中的难题。方法 应用HPMC的多重性特性,合理使用不同种类和浓度的润湿剂及合适工艺,以中国药典为检测依据。结果 解决了配方所列缓释片、薄膜衣片及片剂生产异常的难题,产品合格,考查期质量稳定。结论 HPMC应用于片剂产品应研究其多重性的特性,合理使用。
Objective To solve the problems in developing and producting of several kinds of tablets.Methods The multiplicity of HPMC is applied by using different kinds or concentration of moist agents with proper technology. All determinations ar e based on C.P.Results The sustained-release tablets, film- coa ting tablets and unconventional tablets production were up to grade and steady i n watching period.Conclusion Multiplicity of HPMC should be s tudied and properly used.
qilu pharmaceutical affairs