事实表明,许多成人学习者在选择适合自己背景和心理倾向特征的专业时经常遇到困难,而目前 我国在这方面的指导仍是空白。该研究便采用文献研究方法在阐明成人学习者专业选择指导重要性的基础上, 总结国内外成人学习者专业选择指导的理论和方法。希望借本文呼吁加强对成人学习者专业选择的指导和支 持,同时也希望本文能够为中国的成人学习者专业选择指导的研究提供理论基础和重要依据。
Lots of adult learners are always in trouble when they select the specialties which could adapt to their backgrounds and psychological characteristics. However, there's no guidance on that in China's Mainland. The research intends to strengthen the importance of programmes selection guidance for Chinese adult learners, and summarize the theories and measures of programmes selection guidance on the method of literatures studying at home and abroad. The authors hope to offer theoretical foundation for the research of programmes selection guidance for Chinese adult learners by the research.
Open Education Research