
半空间跨界面目标电磁散射的精确建模与高效计算 被引量:2

Accurately Modeling and Efficient Evaluation of Scattering from Object Penetrating Half-Space Interface
摘要 利用混合位积分方程对跨界面导体目标电磁散射进行精确建模与高效计算 .通过引入适当的半空间并矢格林函数来满足目标跨界面时要求的特殊边界条件 ,从而简化数值离散过程 .对阻抗矩阵的生成过程进行优化 ,并结合格林函数的列表与空间插值 ,来提高阻抗矩阵的生成速度 .上述方法可以用来对跨界面目标电磁散射进行精确建模 ,同时很大程度上克服了由于目标跨界面而导致的数值计算上的困难 . Accurate modeling and efficient evaluation are discussed in this paper for electromagnetic scattering from perfectly conducting object penetrating half-space interface by methods based on mixed potential integral equation. Proper Green's functions for half-space are adopted to satisfy the special boundary condition due to the object penetrating the interface and to simplify numerical discretization. Optimization upon the procedure of impedance matrix filling is made in conjunction with tabulation and interpolation for evaluating the Green's functions to speed the generation of impedance matrix. The proposed methods can be used to accurately solve the half-space problems and on the whole overcome the difficulties resulted from object penetrating the interface.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期389-392,共4页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 自然科学基金 (No.1 0 1 760 0 6)
关键词 分层介质混合位积分方程 半空间格林函数 索末菲积分 空间插值 Computer simulation Evaluation Green's function Integral equations Interfaces (materials) Mathematical models Optimization
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