目的 观察健脾化痰活血祛瘀法对痰瘀互阻型原发性高血压病患者的临床疗效及治疗前后血脂、血液流变学的变化。方法 将 70例痰瘀互阻型高血压病患者随机分为 2组 ,对照组 34例给予卡托普利12 .5mg ,每日 3次口服。治疗组 36例在对照组基础上加服健脾化痰活血祛瘀中药。 2组均 8周为 1个疗程。结果 治疗组与对照组总有效率分别为 83.33%和 5 5 .88% ,2组比较有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5 )。治疗组治疗后血脂和血液流变学指标有明显改善。结论 健脾化痰活血祛瘀法治疗痰瘀互阻型原发性高血压病患者疗效确切 ,能显著改善患者血脂和血液流变学。
Object To investigate the effect of disperse phlegm and dissolve stasis on blood lipid and hemorheology of patients with accumulation of phlegm and stasis essential hypertension. Methods 70 cases with patients with accumulation of phlegm and stasis essential hypertension were randomized into two groups: Patients in control group (n=34) were treated with Nitrendipine tablet. Patients in treatment group (n=36) were treated with combination of Nitrendipine tablet and traditional Chinese herb of disperse phlegm and dissolve stasis. The course was 8 weeks in both groups. Results The total effective rate in treatment group (83.33%) was higher than that in control group (55.88%, P<0.05). Conclusion Traditional Chinese herb of disperse phlegm and dissolve stasis has a marked effect on essential hypertension, and can improve blood lipid and hemorheology of patients.
Hebei Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine
Disperse phlegm and dissolve stasis