

Strategy System of Robot Soccer Based on Potential Field
摘要 将势场理论运用到机器人足球比赛策略中,借助于势场力建立一个球的各坐标点对我方构成威胁的隶属函数。将场地态势这一模糊问题量化,并在此基础上对场地进行划分。依据此隶属函数进行队形确定和变换都比较方便,因为这种场地划分是依据特定的队形进行的,所以根据场地态势确定的队形对场地的适应性较高。仿真实验证明,这一理论是有效的。 Potential field theory is applied to the study of robot soccer strategy, and a membership function which shows the threat to this team from the ball at each coordinate point is established by potential field force. The fuzzy problem of the match state can be quantized, and the playground of robot soccer can be divided on the basis of the membership function.This renders it more convenient to choose and change the team type, and because the playground is divided according to the specific team type, the adaptability of every team type is very high. Simulation results point to the effectiveness of the theory.
出处 《武汉科技大学学报》 CAS 2005年第1期69-71,93,共4页 Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology
基金 湖北省教育厅重点科研资助项目(2004D006).
关键词 机器人足球 决策子系统 势场 场地划分 模糊 robot soccer strategy subsystem potential field field division fuzziness
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