文章尝试将迈克尔·波特教授提出的价值链理论运用到产业培训服务领域 ,提出以培训服务提供商为中心 ,从培训内容提供商和培训设施提供商→培训服务提供商→培训服务购买者→最终客户 (培训学员 )的培训服务产业价值链 。
This paper tries to use professor Michael Bott's value chain theory in the field of industry training service. It takes the training service provider as the center and puts forward the value chain of training service industry-from the training content provider to the training service provider to the training service buyer to the ultimate customer (training staff) and it also analyzes the focusing points of the respective links.
Journal of Changsha Telecommunications and Technology Vocational College