介绍Outokump ACT(Advanced ControlTool)软件在江西铜业集团公司德兴铜矿大山选矿厂磨矿系统的设计和使用情况。在现有的从美国艾默生过程控制公司引进的DeltaV DCS控制系统控制基础上,利用从芬兰奥引进的Octokum p ACT控制软件扩大与完善系统功能,可以提高球磨机台时效率。
The design and application of Outokump ACT (Advanced Control Tool) software in Dashan concentration plant of Dexing copper mine are introduced. On the base of Delta V DCS control system which is introduced from America Emerson Corporation, and perfected and expanded its functions by Outokump ACT which is introduced from Finland, the ballmill's efficiency can be increased.
Jiangxi Nonferrous Metals