针叶树种播种育苗的出苗率和出苗后的保苗率是针叶树种育苗成败的关键技术,云杉属是针叶树种育苗最难的一个属,兰云杉也是如此,如果没有良好的种子处理技术,苗木出土后,易遭病菌危害,立枯而陆续死亡。本实验采用了9种种子处理方法,研究结果表明:采用0 5%K2MNO4水溶液浸种15min,再用冷水冲洗3~4遍,在自然冷水吸胀24h,后在室温下堆积催芽,和采用10%巴士消毒液以雾化状态喷雾于堆积的种子上,边喷边翻动,保持均匀;15min后冷水冲洗3~5次,用冷水浸种24h并在室温下堆积催芽处理后,其苗木出苗率和保苗率均可达80%以上。
The rate of emergence and rate of reservation are key for cultivating seedlings of needleleaved tree species. Picea Dietr. is a kind of cultivating seedling with difficulty in needleleaved trees. After emergence, the seedlings of Picea pungens can be easily damaged by germs and dead continuously without good treatment. 9 kinds of treatment methods have been adopted in this experiment. After soaking seeds in 0.5% K2MNO4 water solution for 15 minutes, wash them with cold water for 3 to 4 times, suck water in nature cold water for 24 hours, force bud by deposition at room temperature, spray 10% disinfectant. And then wash them for 3 to 4 times after 15 minutes, soak seeds in cold water for 24 hours, force buds by deposition at room temperature, both the rate of emergence and rate of reservation can reach up to 80%.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Forestry Science and Technology
国家林业局"948"项目 :北美樱桃圆柏
兰云杉优良抗逆性种源与选育技术引进 (2 0 0 2 2 0 )