1999~2000年,滇系4号在云南省中北部粳稻区域试验结果表明:该品种穗大、粒多、优质、多抗、早熟、耐肥、分蘖强、株型紧凑,具有高产潜力.2001~2002年在保山市隆阳区示范推广滇系4号7 593.73 hm2,平均产量11.03 t/hm2,比当地主栽品种对照增产1.48 t/hm2,新增加总产值2 476.35万元,投产比1∶4.36,并于2001年9月15日通过云南省农作物品种审定委员会审定,被保山市列为重点推广品种,2003年在保山市隆阳区和腾冲、昌宁、龙陵、施甸4县大面积推广种植,取得了显著的社会效益和经济效益.
Rice variety Dianxi 4 was introduced into regional test of Japonica rice varieties in Baoshan of Yunnan in 1999 and 2000. The experimental result indicated that Dianxi 4 is a good variety with higher yield potentiality, big panicle, much grains, good (quality), early ripening, strong tillering and multiple resistances. Its extension area has reached 7593.7 ha at Longyang district of Baoshan city in 2001~2002. Its average yield reached 11.03t/ha, 1.48t/ha higher than check cultivar. It has been released by the crop (variety) examination committee of Yunnan province in Sep. 15, 2001.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences
保山市科技三项费用专项合同(2001 2)