对美国兔眼蓝浆果的硬枝和绿枝采用不同药剂、不同浓度、不同基质处理后进行扦插育苗试验。结果表明,绿枝扦插的生根率显著好于硬枝扦插。200 mg/L ABT1# 2 h处理使Powder(粉蓝)绿枝扦插生根率达94.3%,100 mg/L ABT6# 3 h处理使Woodard(乌达德)绿枝扦插生根率达86.3%,而200 mg/L NAA 3 h处理使Climax(顶峰)硬枝扦插生根率最高也仅为18%;不同品种对药剂及浓度有选择性;扦插基质以菌根土+珍珠岩(1∶1)为佳。
The cuttage breeding for the hardwood and greenwood of American rabbiteye blueberry were taken in different media after the treatment in different plant growth regulator and concentration. The result shows that the rooting rate of greenwood is higher than hardwood. The rooting rate of Powder is 94.3% in the treatment of greenwood 2 hours 200 mg/L ABT1~#, and 86.3% for Woodard in the treatment of greenwood 3 hours 100 mg/L ABT6~#. The rooting rate of Clinax is 18% in the treatment of (hardwood) 3 hours 200 mg/L NAA. Different variety is suitable for different plant growth regulator and concentration. The soil (inoculated) with bacteria + perlite (1∶1) is the best cutting media.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences