The objective of this study was to perform theoretical analysis involving the head-neck of 4 cases human head with sufficient precision and reliability so that a validation of the analytical model can be made for the impact situation,and to determine the skull-brain injury tolerance in the human head analysis from the engineering data obtained from the theoretical results.When the skull-brain is impacted directly,the brain also deforms and skull internal pressures increase at the site of local skull deformation.Research is currently being conducted by AISA to develop a comprehensive finite element method(FEM)representation of the entire head and neck capable of simulating the role of skull deformation,skull stresses,gross head motions,and stresses waves in the skull and brain.These parmaeters include translational and rotational acceleration,rotational velocities and contact forces,and procedures are now available to assess the complete dynamics response of the head in test dummies subjected to impact.Here,the main emphasis is an analysis of three dimensional FEM for skull-brain response to pact drawn on automatic formulated picture.
Journal of Medical Biomechanics