亚历山大二世的大改革是各种对立的政治、经济利益之间相互妥协的结果 ,带有明显的不彻底性 ,但仍然是当时最适宜的选择 ,因为不彻底的改革也比农民暴动要更能为社会所接受。大改革最大的缺陷是改革的领导者对改革缺乏一种长远的、总体性的、动态的把握和认识 ,对稳固政权考虑较多 ,而较少考虑改革对俄国社会发展的长远影响 ,尤其是不肯进行政治改革 ,最终引发革命。
The present paper maintains that the Russian Reform under Alexander II, in spite of its obvious defects due to the compromise between conflicting political and economic interests, is nevertheless the best alternative course of action under the contemporary conditions, because even the least accomplished reforms would be far more desirable than peasents' revolt. The major defect of the reform is the lack of an open-minded, comprehensive, and dynamic strategy on the part of the initiator of the reform, who was more concerned with the solidarity of his own power than with the long term effect of the reform on Russia. The emperor's perversion to political restructuring inevitably resulted in the great revolution.
Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)