文字是形、音、义的统一体,考释俗字,除了分析字形外,还须审辨语音。本文 在充分肯定《汉语俗字丛考》的成就的基础上,认为该书在审辨语音方面还存在六 个问题:一是缺乏语音发展的观念;二是偶有以今音读古音;三是考定正字没有充 分注意到正字与俗字之间语音的密合无间;四是对古书音注中存在的问题缺乏必 要的辨正;五是误解注音;六是对《汉语大字典》和《中华字海》的注音讹误未予彻底 纠正。
Written character is the unity of form, phonetics and meaning. When textually researching on the secular characters, we should pay more attention to examining the phonetics. The author considers that Hanyu Suzi Congkao has six shortcomings: a) Lack of the concept of development of phonetics; b) The present phonetics occasionally replacing the old. ones; c) Paying less attention to the relation between common written charecters and the secular characters when examining the former; d) Lack of essential examination on the problem of phonetic notation in old books; e) misunderstanding the phonetic notation; f) Unable to thoroughly correct the wrong phonetic notation in Hanyu Dazidian and Zhonghua Zihai.
Studies in Language and Linguistics