席勒的游戏理论揭示了现代文明发展中人性的分裂问题 ,并提出通过自由的游戏和对外观形象的兴趣使人摆脱功利的束缚而使人性重新整合的思想。20世纪文化发展的一个特点就是游戏和形象文化的发展 ,但这种发展的趋势与席勒的期待不同 ,不是使人性重新整合 ,而是在商业行为的驱动下使游戏变成自我麻醉的狂欢 。
Shillier's theory on game deals with the problems of the split in humanity, which is common in the development of modern civilization. It holds that by playing game freely and focusing attention on outward appearance of images, people can free themselves from utilitarianism and the split humanity could be reunified. The cultural development of 20centry is characterized by games and images. But this development is so different from Shiller's expectation that, driven by commercial profits, it tends to make games a self-poisoned revelry, images a plane mirage, rather than a sound humanity.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)