本文依据一项抽样问卷调查的部分调查结果 ,对国有企业职工的心态进行了分析。调查发现 ,国企职工最关注的是自身的经济利益 ;他们把包括社会安全和工作稳定在内的安全需要摆在十分重要的位置 ;一些国有企业职工存在失落感。充分考虑国有企业职工的基本社会需求 ,妥善安排他们的社会生活 ,是国有企业体制改革、平稳、顺利发展的基本保障。
The survey discovers that the first attention of workers in SOEs is their own economic interests. Social safety and stable jobs occupy an important place in the needs of workers. Some workers have the sense of losing hope. It is a basic security to fully consider workers' basic social needs in SOEs and make appropriate arrangements of their social life for a smooth and successful state-owned enterprise reform.
Theory & Practice of Trade Unions