n this paper, the axisymmetrically free vibration of a tick circular plate with the restrainedcylindrical surface of u= τ_rz = 0 is investigated in the theory of three-dimensional elastodynamics.The analytical expressions of the displacement and strese model shapes and the exact values of the natu-rel frequencies are obtained.The model shapes of the placement components as well as their partial dirivatives can be expandedin the theel series in the radial direction by means of the H transformation. Introducing the series intothe elastedynamical soverning equations, the analytical seneral solutions are obtained. To satisfy theboundary conditions of the circular plate , the frequency equations are derived from which the exactvalues of various natural frequencies are calculated.It is found that there are asymmetric and symmetric medel shapes of displacements with differentwave numbere along the thickness of the plate , and there are various motion modes among the mediumin the thicknesa direction. It is more possible for the thick circular plate to vibrate in the symmetricmedel shapes. The thick-wall engineerins structures are provided with the similar properties which aremore important for the high-frequency vibration of the structure. These characteristics of the vibrationare impossibly shown from any thick plate theory beeause in thcse theories the placement models alongthe thickness are assumed in advance.The natural frequencies of the plates with different thicknesses are calculated by use of the elasto-dynamics theory and the thick plate theories of Henkey , Reisaner and Mindlin. The numerical resultsshow that for the fundamental vibration of the plate, the results of the theories of Henkey. Reisanerand Mindlin are all approaching to ones of the elastodynamics theory in the pal)er and the thick platetheories are practicable.
Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics
thick circulnr plate ,vibration ,elastodynamics .