
中国电影百年的断想与反思 被引量:2

A Brief Comment and Reflection on the Centenary Chinese Films
摘要 断想:欲求中国电影以人为本,全面、协调、可持续发展,必须从哲学层面上彻底摒 弃非此即彼,是此非彼的二元对立的单向思维方式,代之以全面辩证发展的多向思维方式。在电 影与政治、政策的关系上,电影不能简单地从属于临时的具体的直接的政治,以政治方式取代审 美方式把握世界,但也不能又走向从属于经济,附属于市场的另一极端;在处理电影的认识、教 育、娱乐、审美等社会功能的关系上,过去有片面重教育、轻娱乐的教训,但现在也不能又走向以 娱乐为电影创作“本体”的轻教育、重娱乐的另一极端;在主旋律和多样化的关系上,我们是题材 重点论和有差别论者,在弘扬主旋律的同时,提倡创作主题题材风格样式的多样化,而关键在于 创作主体,对题材有无独到的思想发现和审美发现。 反思:电影批评方法应坚持美学评析与历史评析的辩证统一,而将观赏性与思想性艺术性并 列的提法并不科学。 辨析:电影应尊重满足和服务群众,但目的是提高群众而不是媚俗,“观众是上帝”论应慎用; 电影应关注市场,赢得“票房价值”,但不应“票房至上”;电影应讲究宣传,无须炒作,“炒作”可赢 得利润,却提高不了审美价值。 To adhere to the principle that Chinese film should observe humanisticality and maintain a sustainable development must follow a multi-dimensional view of dialectic development of full scale in place of the 'either-or' or 'only-this' dualistic philosophy. Firstly, as for the relation with politics and policies, film must not straightforwardly be allocated to politics, or be viewed from the political rather than the aesthetic perspective. Yet it should not stick to the economic interest only. Secondly, with regard to the social functions, the educational or instructional aspect was emphasized in the past while the entertainment aspect belittled. Thirdly, it would of course lose the balance again if the entertainment function were thought much of as the noumenal line in film creation. Lastly, on the relationship between the main theme and diversity, we uphold both; and the issue lies crucially in innovation. However, film criticism must maintain a dialectic combination of aesthetic review with historical comments. That is, it is not scientific to juxtapose all of amusement, ideologicality and artisticality. All in all, movies should esteem, satisfy and serve people, the purpose of which is, however, to enhance rather than to please. The view that 'audience is God' should be cautioned. Films should follow the market, that is, attend as well as gain the 'tickets', but not all for the 'tickets'. And lastly, films need advertisement, but not puff, the latter of which may gain profit but not enhance the aesthetic value.
作者 仲呈祥
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期27-35,共9页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 电影与政治 教育与娱乐 主旋律与多样化 美学评析与历史评析 film and politics films and education main theme and diversity aesthetic and historic comment
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